Electric blues will appreciate a variety of live, freeze-dried, and frozen foods. But its the green horizontal lines on the fishs face and the bluish-green, metallic scales that give the creature its stunning electric blue color. Electric Blue Acaras are monogamous and are moderately easy to breed in the home tank. When purchasing an electric blue acara, make sure that its colors are bright and its behaviors are normal. Which Fishes Are Incompatible With Electric Blue Acaras? Electric Blue Acaras are omnivorous, although most of their wild diet is made up of meaty protein. You can keep them in a tank or in a heated outdoor pond - either way the temperature must be kept . When coupled with the electric blue acara, they come in various colors and patterns. Always ask the store representative to watch them eat; if there is any refusal, the fish is most likely sick or stressed. The breeding tank should be at least 20 gallons. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a937fd7346e57686c00104913875bb53" );document.getElementById("c8f286cabb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Get the latest on sales, new posts, and new videos! This means if you have two of these cichlids youll need 45 gallons. Its also important to avoid overfeeding. When we first saw a picture we thought it was photoshopped! Tankarium is reader-supported. Get a double tier stand and have 2 tanks. Use a sandy substrate to cover the bottom of the tank, and place plenty of flat rocks on top that the female will use as a place to lay her eggs. . This means soft, acidic water with water hardness between 2 and 10 KH and pH between 6.0 to 7.0. The electric blue acara is known for burrowing and digging in the material at the bottom of the aquarium, which can be quite entertaining to watch! The following are some examples: Tankmates give color to the aquarium and can help you create a vibrant community tank. Make sure each tank buddy has the right shoal size to simulate group hostility. Electric Blue Acara and medium-length fish typically reach 6 to 7 inches. (Lets Find Out! Electric Blue Acaras have a typical, oval cichlid body shape with pointed dorsal and anal fins. This arrangement will create a vibrant highlight in the tank when set against a dark background and greenery plants. With each additional Acara you introduce to the tank, make sure you add 15 gallons of water space in their tank. For your fish to remain healthy and happy, youll need to maintain the tank and keep it clean. You can consider them fully grown by the time it is 8-10 months old. 1 Blue Acara. Or you landed on here because you had no idea what they are? You have some flexibility when it comes to choosing suitable Electric Blue Acara tank mates. These swimmers are not new in the aquarium world, and they have been used in aquarium tanks for many years now. If you want the color of a small diano but cant keep it with electric blue acara as EBAs will eat it, the huge danio is the next best thing. Unlike a lot of their relatives, the mellow nature of this fish plays a big part in the high success rate that breeders have with them. You wont be disappointed. Diet: Omnivorous (Flakes, Veggies, Pellets, Shrimp, Worms) Care Level: Easy to Moderate. A minimum tank size of 30 gallons will suffice for a single fish. Natural objects like driftwood, peat moss, and coral sand can help you balance your pH, but its tough to say how much theyll help. Because hobbyists dont usually keep light-demanding plant species with electric blue acaras, there is no recommended light setup; these fish will thrive under a fluorescent or LED light fixture. Mature males have a longer and more pointed dorsal fin while females typically have smaller fins overall. Electric Blue Acara Care. It is heavily planted, which gives plenty of hiding places and sight breaks. The bacteria that you need in your biological filter media need the ammonia in untreated water to start the nitrogen cycle. To do this youll want to mimic their natural environment as much as you can. Reply. The best electric blue acara tank will have a minimal design with open space that accents the natural colors and behaviors of the fish. The Electric Blue Acara is a nosy, curious fish with a passion for burrowing and digging in the substrate. You should stick to feeding a quality brand of fish food for your cichlid fish to stay healthy and live a long life. The julii and sterbai are both typical gentle bumbling Cory's the sterbai being the bigger of the two. A good, balanced captive diet should contain fresh red earthworms, bloodworms, and tubifex, supplemented with frozen foods, including bloodworms and brine shrimp. Other hobbyists keep only electric blue acaras in their tanks and let them breed. Aqadvisor calculates that in a 75g with two Aquaclear 110 filters, the tank is stocked by 85% with the rest of the stock with five boesemani rainbowfish and 85% with two angelfish. As weve mentioned earlier, Electric Blue Acara are the exception to the rule when it comes to cichlid aggression. If you take care of them properly and stay committed to maintaining their habitat then youll have them for a while. So, whether youre a beginner or a seasoned pro, read on for the essential information you need to care for these beautiful fish! Thus, it is best to alter pH over several days gradually. You will require a tank with a nominal capacity of 60 gallons if you want to keep a pair of electric blue acara and a bristlenose pleco. The Electric Blue Acara reaches 6-7 inches in length in adulthood. With proper care and attention, your electric blue acara can live a long and healthy life. Andinoacara pulcher is a genuine show-stopper with its surreal glow, making the aquarium tank it sits in stand out. While these fish are relatively mellow, they have specific requirements that you need to play attention to for them to thrive. Keep in mind that a low water flow in addition to high lighting can fuel algae growth. Furthermore, a bad diet might lead to stress. However, males and females can be difficult to tell apart, especially when theyre typically sold as juveniles in aquarium stores. However, this can vary slightly from tank to tank. Discus is a social fish that you should keep in schools, and they rarely bother the other fish in the tank. You should also feed flaked foods and cichlid pellets. To keep your electric blue as happy and healthy as possible, imitate the conditions found in the blue acaras natural habitat in South America. Angelfish. He started in the aquarium hobby at the age of 11 and along the way worked at local fish stores. When the water runs clear, add the substrate to the aquarium to a depth of two to three inches. Malawi bloat causes a bloated abdomen and a diminished appetite or complete loss of appetite in fish. Theres no point in trying to save a few dollars by purchasing cheap, poor quality food, as that wont be good for your fishes health in the long-term. Their caudal fin is symmetrical and about as tall from top to bottom as their body. Luckily, electric blue acaras are monogamous fish that mate for life. When housed with electric blue acara, rainbowfish are bright and appealing. Plants and vegetation are frequently floating on the surface of the bodies of water that electric blue acara inhabit. A: As a general rule, it is recommended to have 1 Electric Blue Acara per every 10-15 gallons of water, so a 55 gallon tank can comfortably accommodate 4-6 Electric Blue Acaras. Ensure you know what kind of diet your fish needs and attempt to keep to it. Join 8,000+ other Aquascapers and receive helpful aquarium tips and free stuff direct to your inbox. You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing suitable electric blue acara tank mates. Poor tank mates are ones that can easily fit in an electric blues mouth or ones that are overly aggressive or that try to fight back! Blue Oscar Fish: They are the result of crossbreeding and will look similar to an Electric Blue Ram or Blue Acara. Still, these fish are susceptible to freshwater ich and skin flukes. They are social fish that are not prone to hiding, but the digging is especially intense when the electric blue acara is getting ready to breed. Electric blue acaras are a type of hybrid South American cichlid. Electric Blue Acara nibble on a wide range of snacks in the wild, and you want to maintain this variety in your aquarium too. In a communal tank, they rarely create problems and get along nicely with electric blue acara. They spend most of their time sucking at the tanks surfaces and removing superfluous algae. This freshwater fish is resistant and adapts easily to new and changing conditions in the tank, but you need to make sure that there is enough open space for the electric blue acara to swim. It is better to split up the meals as this could also help prevent rivalry in the tank when all fish are trying to get a hold of food. Quarantine affected fish; treat water with an antifungal remedy. The bristlenose pleco is a smaller variant of the common pleco. Most cichlids are known for their aggression but the Electric Blue Acara is the well-behaved child in the family. Do not leave the tank open; instead, cover it with a robust aquarium lid to keep the blue acaras from leaping out. In the bodies of water Electric Blue Acara occupy, there are usually plants and vegetation floating on the surface. Unless there is food collected in the substrate, it will rarely travel to the bottom of the tank. Due to its maximum size and its long, flowing fins, it is best to maintain a minimum 30-gallon tank for your acara, accompanied by a soft, sandy substrate. On the other hand, most dwarf cichlids clock in around just 4 . Learn how your comment data is processed. Unlike other Cichlids, the electric blue acara is not very big in proportion. We tried to be as thorough as possible with this care guide, and for the most part the whole process is pretty simple. They do not have any special filtration needs other than regular maintenance. In the Blue Acaras natural habitat, the substrate is often covered with leaf litter. This is a hybrid mainly derived from the naturally occurring blue acara, Andinoacara pulcher; it is believed that they were mixed with blue ram cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) at some point as well. How many Blue Acara should be kept together? It is a member of the cichlid family and can grow to be up to 10 inches in length. Does anyone know if 1 electric blue acara would be ok in a 29 gallon tank with probably: 2 angelfish, 2-3 dwarf gouramis, 1 bristlnose pleco, a few panda Cory catfish OR a few black Kuhli loaches. He has kept freshwater tanks, ponds, and reef tanks for over 25 years. Water hardness: The ideal degree of water hardness ranges between 3Dh-20Dh. Being able to care for a stunning fish like the electric blue acara is a great way to gain confidence as a hobby aquarist, so make sure you have a tank that is not too small, a stable water temperature, an appropriate tank mate, and nutritious fish food.You can soon witness it swimming happily in the tank. These beautiful fish are vibrant in coloration and behavior and are some of the easiest cichlids to breed. 2.75 pH: 7.0-8.3 . On the other hand, electric blue acara is a resilient species of fish. Thats one of the reasons why a breeding tank is recommended. While a hybrid, the electric blue acara is still regarded as the Andinoacara pulcher species. They are semi-aggressive and should be kept with peaceful, similarly sized fish. Therefore, you shouldnt be concerned about putting dangerous plants in the tank. Then raise the temperature of the tank slightly to trigger the breeding. Quarantine affected individuals; dose water with an over-the-counter antibacterial treatment. $24.99 shipping. Electric Blue Acara are easily one of our favorite species of fish. As well see, male and female pairs will need to form on their own in most scenarios. #32. They should not be kept alone, and it is better to keep them with a member of the opposite gender. Size. Quickly catch it! The Electric Blue Acara typically grows to a max size of between six and seven inches in length. A poor diet will not result in the best colors and may affect the success of broods and the spawning process. For more information, please see our Make a highly vegetated aquarium so that each fish has a place to hide if they feel threatened. You can find Electric Blue Acaras at some good local fish stores, depending on where you live. With any fish species, its vital that you replicate the animals natural diet as closely as you can. Electric blue acara is low-maintenance. They will be the star of your tank no matter what other fish you have! Thus, the faster you can improve the fishs position, the better. The electric blue acara may not occur in the wild, but its closest relative, the blue acara, does. They rarely interact; therefore, you can keep them together in a smaller tank with other free-swimming fish. Size. Find our more about TAG. First, trim off any dead leaves or broken stems, and plant the specimens as per the suppliers instructions, ideally in pots to prevent the Acaras from uprooting the plants. You can also treat your fish with vegetables like broccoli on special occasions. Most large cichlids need a 75 gallon minimum such as Jack Dempsey , Oscars , severums, Texas cichlid, green terrors ect.. Blue Acara (Aequidens pulcher) - Named for the blue coloration they develop in adulthood, blue acaras are unaggressive, but they do tend to dig. That said, its best to avoid keeping shrimp or very small fish species with Acaras, as these little guys will most likely become lunch. Fun Fish Tank Themes 15 Creative Ideas For Your Aquarium! The electric blue acara, . . The size of an adult electric blue acara can vary, but they usually grow to be somewhere between five and seven inches. Poor water quality can result in the fish's immune system becoming weakened, leaving it vulnerable to diseases. Electric blues are large fish, so they need to be given plenty of space, especially if planning to keep a pair with other tank mates. If planning on keeping a pair of electric blue acaras in a community tank with other species, then at least 55 gallons is recommended with a larger tank size being much more preferred. Let them pr off and then separate the prs into their own tanks or keep 1pr and get rid of the rest. Electric Blue Acaras are active fish that spend much of their time digging in the substrate, exploring their surroundings, and rummaging through plants and underneath decorations. While a lot of aquarists dont like the idea of having a single-species tank for the sake of variety, the visual display you get from this fish has changed a lot of minds. The Blue Acara has no fin damage, although he is typically the one being chased. Can you keep discus in a 55 gallon tank? They can both display a yellow or orange margin on the top of the dorsal fin. They're peaceful and will avoid starting trouble with other fish, You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing suitable electric blue acara tank mates. Fish can quickly succumb to shock. A pair thats about to mate will start to interact with each other more often than before. Expect your tank to be around 140lbs when empty and 850lbs when filled. These fishes can be kept in groups and coexist nicely with their species. You dont want to pair them with fish that are known to be exceptionally aggressive or significantly larger than your Electric Blue Acara. They get along with a wide variety of fish and dont cause any problems in community tanks. Pairs of Acaras that are kept in optimum conditions may spawn several times every year. Ideal tankmates for the Electric Blue Acara include any peaceful species that are around the same size as the Acara. The fishs body is mainly steel-gray with stripes and spots on its head and body. Learn how your comment data is processed. They can be considered mid-range fish and are suitable for your average or large-sized tank. If you're a fan of gouramis but don't have a large enough tank, the dwarf gourami is a good alternative. An Electric Blue Acara needs at least a 30-gallon tank. The water conditions should be as follows: Temperature: 72-86F; pH: 6-7.5; . These fish can grow up to 6 inches long and boast shimmery blue bodies in terms of appearance. Their fins do show gorgeous red coloring and their silvery bodies reflect cool blues and violets. The tank has live plants and a 50 gallon boi wheel filter. I have 4 males in my 20 gallon. This is quite common but its worth being aware of. Therefore, they have a short lifespan with a life full of colors and patterns. The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber.The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support and upgrades.It has been operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) since the 1950s. Tank Requirements for Electric Blue Acara. However, gravel can frustrate the fish and even injure them. Use this length as the benchmark when determining mating viability. However, as a digger, Acaras do tend to uproot plants, so I suggest using potted plants that are not easily dislodged. After these few days, the eggs will hatch. Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. FLOWERHORN CICHLID 1" Bonsai Flowerhorn F Mixed . The eggs will incubate for two to three days when the fry will hatch and begin hunting for food. The bond and amount of time you have with your fish is what its all about. Thats why it is crucial to acknowledge whenever your fish gets under stress or is anxious. The Electric Blue Acara does like to burrow, and for that reason, its important that you provide your fish with a soft, sandy substrate, rather than hard gravel that could injure the fish. These fish prefer medium lighting levels, and you can use floating plants to diffuse the light if necessary. These fish are like your typical sucker fish but with more of a coolness factor, and they are smaller to boot. The general rule for this is to make sure the total number of these fish is divisible by two. Oscars get along well with electric blue acaras in general, and they can live peacefully together if the tank is large enough. They are regarded as a beginner cichlid species, forgiving imperfections and wavering water parameters. There may be a few things to think about when trying to breed the Electric Blue Acara, but it does not change that the andinoacara pulcher is perhaps the easiest cichlid to breed. As always, its recommended to quarantine new fish for at least three weeks before adding them to a new system. But I would go with 4-5 electric blue acaras in a 55. with 2 plecos? That being said, they cannot tolerate ammonia or nitrite and breeding will demand more specific parameters. Below is a list of good things to feed your electric blue acara, other than flakes (but it should not make up their whole diet): No cichlid benefits from being overfed, so monitor how much food you feed every day to prevent your cichlid fish from overeating, as this could lead to a wide range of health problems. The cory catfish is a shoaling fish that cleans the bottom. Do note that you should only interfere and alter the pH of the water if your fish is in distress. In this guide, well provide everything you need to know about keeping electric blue acaras healthy and happy. The electric blue andinoacara pulcher does a great job taking care of itself with some basiccichlid careneeds provided. Here are some great Electric Blue Acara tank mates that we recommend: This is just a small example of the potential tank mates you can pair with this fish, but its a good starting point. Electric blue acaras dont consume plants very often. Although Electric Blue Acara are pretty low-maintenance fish, we recommend spending a little time to ensure that their habitat is suitable. It is a cichlid that hardly adjusts well to changes in the environment, and it can live for a total of 10 years when kept in good condition. Temperament: Semi-Aggressive. As they mature, they naturally pair off on their own. When selecting fish for a home aquarium, factors like tank size, water conditions and the temperament of your fish come into play. It has fins of the same color and a dorsal fin that swims seamlessly through the water. The electric blue acara is not usually aggressive or territorial. The fish will clean a spot on the bottom of the tank on top of the rocks where theyll tend to their eggs. Fishs body swells up, loss of appetite, stringy, discolored feces, rapid breathing, lesions and ulcers appear on the body. Tank Setup: Amazone biotope tank with plenty of leaf litter and wood. Other genetic components play a part as well, but they are impractical to test for.

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