Hi, Lana. The Next Day Lincoln was Walking to the living room where the loud sisters were in they turned their heads to see Lincoln The Loud family were so happy to have Him back and Apologizing for not Believing him about what happened They Hugged Him at School Clyde and Ronnie Anne Apologized Too for calling Lincoln and Outcast Boy Lincoln Said " Don't Thank Me It's Ginrai " and Closed The Door For Good In the school, As The Camera Pans To Ginrai In His Robot Mode He Turns to The Viewers and Smiles As the Sunsets behind Him as the words " The End? " Hold on there, Lily. Leni, can you go and get Lincoln? It's time to meet everyone's favorite superhero! During her time in Royal Woods, and before they became best friends, she frequently bullied and humiliated Lincoln in front of his peers. But this won't be any normal convention, because we get to SEE Ace Savvy himself! I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Her friend asked calmly. We're all screwed, if there is no hero to save us, so good day and good" But before he could finish, a maverick shot a cannon at the news anchor and cameraman, obliterating them, causing the broadcast to turn static. Lincoln gets so tired of his sisters that he decides to run away towards Los Angeles with his friends. Luan: When did you lost faith all of a sudden? Where the heck is he?! Now Lincoln. Have you seen Lincoln anywhere? You want to babysit Lily with me? ", Lincoln: "Hmm. You got guts." Lily looks at Ronnie Anne, who has a trusting smile on her face. Luna: Dudes! Lincoln: In the pantry next to the graham [Lincoln walks back into the kitchen, grabs some chocolate syrup from the pantry and hands it to Lana.]. Ace Savvy: Ahh, someone has courage! Lori knocks on the door, and Bobby answers). That's enough! I'll make sure Lincoln won't burn down the house..", Ronnie Anne: (chuckles) "I'm kidding. Bobby: Wha? "But I'm a little too overrated to sign up." "Thank you for the compliment", He replied and hugged her tightly. "Join us", one of them said. Don't think like that! Ronnie Anne: I hope he'll get through this. Well I lied to my family about being bad luck and they all banned me from the house and made me sleep outside. *Runs to Luna so that she can grab her again*. Ace Savvy: Well, that was interesting. The sisters had finally realized what horrible people they have become to their brother, and felt nothing but guilt and heartbreak), Lori: And now thanks to us, (between her tears) Lincoln's gone! I wonder where they could possibly be. She's a sassy girl who isn't afraid of a good fight and is "I'll start I guess." However, a shadowy villain is b. They arrive at said house and walk inside. Lincoln's Justice 25 parts Ongoing Mature After finally getting tired of Lori, Luan and Lynn constantly making his life miserable, Lincoln de. ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah. Lincoln and Lily are hiding, while Ronnie Anne is seeking them. [Lincoln reaches for the doorknob again.]. Hi guys! She looks at her son with a angry look, Woman: "Mitchel, that is no way to behave! It was funny the first time, but that doesn't make it funny the second time! Ronnie Anne: "Hey! Ronnie Anne: Urggg! Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and Bobby answers the door). He runs away but was caught by lynn and luna, who were born with these p After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Hateful, Hypocritical, Ignorance, Unfair Special thanks to my beta: funkl3ss (After saying this, Lincoln slowly walks upstairs to his bedroom. Ronnie Anne take another spoon of it and brings it to Lily, who just turns her head away. But then, out of the bathroom, comes Lincoln. ", Lincoln: "Yes, that one. "T-thanksthat's nice of you to say." What you did on Friday was unforgivable, and I felt personally scarred for what happened. The two hug again). #fanfiction Lynn: I think she's trying to say that she was the one who broke the TV remote! I think Lincoln is gone (quietly) because of us! Rita leaves the house. And what's a "graham", anyway? He was getting confused and a tiny bit startled about it, when he heard a knock on the front door downstairs. "They're everywhere", Ronnie Anne replied, starting to faint. "Breaking News! Ronnie Anne walks downstairs, leaving Lincoln with his nine sisters. [By now, Lana has fallen asleep. So please give it back?". By: heavy5commando. Lori: (brightens up) O-Okay. After a few seconds of laughter Lily begins to yawn. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. (Lincoln groans in frustration, as he walks downstairs while his sisters snicker at him. Luna: No, He ran away from us, He'll never be back again! So I rushed into my tablet and wrote this chapter. He had tears in his eyes, as he looked extremely embarrassed. Ronnie Anne: " I'm finished with mine. It just you and me." If we just keep trying! He mistakenly ruined the flour by running into Ronnie Anne when making a cake for Mrs. Agnes Johnson's birthday. (breaks down and cries), (Lincoln could then hear Leni crying in Lori's room, and then the other sisters crying from their rooms on the computer. ! Lincoln puts Lily in the carriage and the three head back to the Loud House together. I know it may sound like I'm just whining, but lately it feels like I'm the black sheep of this family. Inside the van, the girls talk about the video they uploaded to YouTube, as Lincoln continues to feel embarrassed. Lincoln: "Hey, Lily. Lincoln takes the rag and rinses to food of and wipes Lily himself. (sniffs) After all of this, I don't think I'm going to put up with this humiliation anymore. Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. It's banana flavored. They're cookies. You have to go to bed early, without dessert! He ruined his dad's lasagna recipe by putting his recipe on the lasagna when he was cooking with him and messed up his mom's makeover for her date with her husband by spraying water with the hose on her when he never meant to. He muttered and could feel his fsce getting redder. (On a side note, I was actually going to make Lincoln run away to Pop-Pop's instead, but changed it to where he runs way to the Santiago house because it wouldn't be so obvious to the sisters. It then cuts back to the Comic Book store, as it shows Lincoln looking tired from waiting too long). It's time to go! Everything was good. Lynn: Guess he wasn't much of a 'superhero' today wasn't he? Lori: Everytime I see that costume, I just have to laugh! Everyone else smiles at this. But if there's anything that's hard to fix, it's the trusts, bonds and love that I had for all of you. Lincoln come from behind the tree. I had always planned a story where the Loud sisters finally realized what they did to Lincoln was unforgiving, and I wanted to do this story to make them seem more third-dimensional. He screamed out and could feel his face turn red at the laughter of his classmates. They look at the blanket and it has Lily's name on it, imprinted in blue. Luna: If this broken picture proves us anything, is that we hurt Lincoln, and we must feel like monsters to him! Lincoln called out from behind the closed door. (Lincoln is infuriated and kicked Lynn's soccer ball and it hit Lily's face) LILY: Ahh!! Where the heck could it be? *Trying to grip in reality because she is about to get sappy*. Even if we can't go to Gus' Games n' Grub, this would still be a good way to spend time together. Lana: I mean, they're not crackers. Lily finally accepts and eats the food. The Loud House Future [Remake and Continuation]. Just because I did it once, doesn't mean I'll do it again! I'm impressed.". Lincoln: Well, what about animal crackers? ", Lincoln: "Uh, okay. Once Lincoln reaches his bedroom, he opens his door, then closes it behind him, wondering what the future holds for him and his sisters). If you are under the age of 13, skip this chapter now. Lori: (in tears) No! She threads the needle and begins sewing the torn blanket, while Lincoln sits on the couch with Lily. *he cries as he hugs Ronnie Anne* Ronnie Anne: *hugs Ian back* There, there Ian. At the last moment before her capture, Ginrai uses his unpredictable magic and transforms her into a human woman with white knee-length hair. I just need to break it to her.". Want to see how this story continues? A plan where he would be happy. Wake up and smell the guilt! While Ronnie Anne sets Lily in the highchair, Lincoln looks through the cabinets to find something for Lily to eat. ", Rita: "How was everything? Let's see what else there is? Lincoln: There's no way I'm going back there Ronnie, not after what happened today. Both threw their energy balls towards the energy cube, once their forces impacted, that prison suffered a failure and broke into a thousand pieces, freeing Ronnie Anne in the process.-Finally- Ronnie said.-I am free! I'll go get the sewing equipment right now.". Lincoln: (to the viewer) This may take a while, but I know it'll all be worth it! (Lincoln finally had tears running down his cheeks. His sisters must have broke him. Luna: So, we put the blame on Lincoln again! Ronnie Anne had got up a little and looked at the carnage on the screen, shedding a tear or two. This is ridiculous! Plus, Ronnie Anne is there too, and she and Lincoln have a pretty good relationship. The two stare at each other for a few seconds. Lisa: I believe there's a 90% chance that Lincoln will mess up at the convention. She doesn't notice the broken picture on the floor. I hate seeing you like this. (Leni goes to Lincoln's bedroom and knocks on his door), (Leni opens the door, and looks inside for Lincoln. Lori: Hey Boo-Boo Bear! Lincoln: oh. Lincoln Loud feels guilty for his actions in his previous adventure. Where do you get off?" Leni asked. Rita kisses Lily on her forehead and hands her to Lincoln. Lincoln: "Mmm, this taste good, right Ronnie Anne? It wasn't me! After Rita gets caught sneaking out of the house, she shows Ronnie Anne her secret playhouse, which she had since she was a kid. He wasn't hurt though, The others had searched for more of the family in the house, but they had evacuated. Lincoln knew he had to do the dare or else he'd seem like a chicken to the rest of his classmates. (Lincoln gasps and runs to Lily to make sure she okay, but the girls, except Leni and Luna, attacked him viciously) LINCOLN: (he escapes the carnage) What wrong with you guys? Lincoln hands Lily to Ronnie Anne, who has a smile on her face. Lincoln: "Sorry, Ronnie Anne. We'll show you. The Unicorn returns to say goodbye to Lincoln and Ginrai , who laments he has done her wrong by burdening her with regret and the taint of mortality, which could make her unable to properly rejoin her kind in the forest. ", Ronnie Anne: "Wow. Open wide." Ronnie Anne moves the spoon close to Lily while making airplane sounds. Ronnie Anne Santiago. Ronnie then started holding him by the shoulders and started to hump him. "Oh hey. Now that he is stranded in the Southern part of Chicago, with barely anyone to turn to, and the poli. Ronnie Anne: "Shhh, it's okay, Lily. Ronnie Anne stopped on her tracks and went off marching angrily to her room then Bobby appears. Then Ronnie thrusted a little, making Lincoln go down on the bed back first. (Suddenly, all the sisters appear in front of him, looking angry). But where woul Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, goes to Royal Woods to escape the roboticist tyrant Dr. Eggman, who destroyed the island where he lived. (As Lincoln tumbles off the stage, he knocks into a stack of comic books. Slow down! The odd one out. Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, it'll be okay. He stuffs Bun-Bun in and looks towards the audience.]. Darcy: Are you really his girlfriend? Without any proof! Please ADD. Ronnie Anne: "Sleep well, you cute little angel.". So whaddya say pardner? The three walk over the little boy. Characters from the Loud House/Casagrandes either shrink or grow in size. Lana: Why do they call them graham crackers? Lincoln lightly pushes Lily on the baby swing, Ronnie Anne goes down the slide with her, then we see the play hide and Seek. (The sisters continue to cry, when Lori tries to snap out of it). "How dare you bully our brother! He thought he found his phone when he used Lori's phone by mistake. I say we do ey? After the song ends the duo ran offon their own. Ronnie Anne: "Alright you two. He destroyed Lisa's chemistry set when changing Lily's diaper on accident. She takes a spoonful of the food and brings it to Lily's face. #romance Sorry for the long wait, school is stopping me and many drawing purposes because of my new Deviantart "Reomatic". Lily giggles. Ronnie Anne fixed your blanket, Lily.". Leni: So he did all of that for you..? However, Lincoln comes up with an idea. However, a shadowy villain is b #2016 See ya, Ronnie Anne.". ", Ronnie Anne: "Lincoln. This was a soothing moment for both of them "Yeah", said Lincoln. We hurt Lincoln so much that he ran away!

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