Sasha Hamilton, Clinical Social Work/Therapist, Fayetteville, NC, 28304, (910) 595-1034, Sasha fell in love with therapy while working with seniors during an internship in her last semester of . The program's faculty has wide-ranging research interests, including but not limited to: health psychology; family adjustment to illness; clinical supervision; developmental psychology; learning in the context of media; women's issues; cognitive psychology; group dynamics; multicultural competence; racism; the immigrant experience; racial microaggressions; hidden biases; identity development; and mindfulness. The course will introduce relevant statistical theory for categorical distributions; cover models such as logistic, Poisson, ordinal or nominal regression, etc., and show how they fit in the framework of the generalized linear model (GLM); and discuss the interpretation of these models. Under the direction of a faculty mentor, student conducts a short-term research project, analyzes results, and prepares a report in a journal article format. PSYC 6190. This course will provide an overview of psychological disorders affecting children and adolescents. PSYC 5100. (3 Credits). Software implementation of these techniques will be introduced and covered. The relationship between development of brain structure and cognitive functionsare discussed. For more information on Clinical Externships, view thepageon the Fordham website. Computerized Multistage Testing. Cluster Analysis. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE SWGS 6440 Advanced Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis 3 credits Saturday class Instructor: Holman Semester: . Learning disabilities, attention deficits, pediatric neurological disorders, and other relevant topics are covered. Official transcripts: confirming prior degree conferral. 13 followers 13 connections. Barry University: Acceptance Rate, Rankings & More - The Literature and Psychology of Disgust. University of Maryland . Issues in Social Psychology. This course is an in-depth coverage of the major anxiety disorders, beginning with etiological and maintaining factors, as well as information processing and behavioral features, and ending with psychosocial treatment and case management. Requires a minimum of 150 hours of supervised fieldwork in an approved setting. City University London Master of Science (MSc) Psychology and Health. Elective (optional) This course will establish an understanding of behavioral assessment and its implications for intervention, evaluation and research. Externship II Focusing first on theoretical perspectives from developmental science and key principles in prevention science, including risk and resilience in development, the course will then examine issues related to developmental transitions and contexts of development as well as challenges in targeting preventive interventions on multiple domains and mechanisms of development, and the science and practice of developmental preventive interventions in organizational, community, political-economic, and policy contexts. This course is designed to promote the development of a working knowledge of the basic tools used in clinical diagnosis, including diagnostic evaluation skills in the assessment of specific psychological disorders, as well as case formulation skills from different theoretical perspectives. Regression with Lab. For more information about graduate-level psychology, pleasevisit our pageon the Fordham website. The course includes an overview of the theories underlying DBT treatment, discussion of the existing research supporting DBT as an evidence-based treatment for severe emotion dysregulation and chronic suicidality, and practice of basic skills and techniques used within this therapeutic modality. (3 Credits). Critical evaluation of major research on the identification of aptitude and personality traits. Missing data is common in behavioral research. Clinical Psychology Intern . (3 Credits). Merle Keitel, Ph.D. (email: [emailprotected]) The goal of this course is to introduce statistical models for categorical data, which are common in behavioral sciences. The course will provide a detailed overview of the observed-score equating (OSE) methods and framework, and of the IRT OSE method; the assumption that underlie different methodologies and the relevant data collection designs will also be discussed. The Clinical Student Handbook contains important information not covered by the Psychology Graduate Student Handbook issued by the Psychology Department and the AcademicPolicies and Procedures Guidebook issued by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Laboratory activities will support the acquisition of knowledge related to the practice of neuropsychological practice, including test selection, administration, scoring, date interpretation, and report writing. The number of credits needed to complete the program is based on a student's standing upon entry. The forensic psychology major area of study at Fordham is consistent with the goals of APA Division 41/the American Psychology-Law Society. The interrelationship of cluster analysis with factor analysis, multidementional scaling and discriminant analysis is discussed. Group membership, role behavior, and group dynamics. Clinical Psychology | Department of Psychology - Arizona State University New York is my campus. The Youth Development in Diverse Contexts Lab is looking to hire 1 full-time lab manager reporting directly to and supervised by Dr. Tiffany Yip, the Principal Investigator of a longitudinal NIH grant focused on sleep, health, and academic disparities during the college transition through graduation. Introduction to Neuroscience. Theory, research methods, and therapy of the psychoanalytic movement will be explored, including the work of Freud and ego psychological, neofreudian, Jungian, interpersonal, object relational, self, archetypal, and existential orientations. Readings and class discussions will examine the relationship of contextual factors such as poverty, racial/ethnic discrimination, environmental hazards, incarceration, institutionalization, and public policy to social and health inequities faced by children and adults with HIV/AIDS, mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse disorders. Join to connect Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri - Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS) Report this profile Report Report . Students will learn and practice the administration and scoring of major developmental assessment instruments. Because the interaction of psychology and law is by definition interdisciplinary, this course is co-taught by a forensic psychologist (Professor Rosenfeld) and attorney (Professor Cohen), and is open to both psychology graduate students law students. PSYC 7812. Law and Society Association Topics include stress-illness, compliance, psychoimmunology, social support, and coping in disorders such as cardiovascular disease, pain, cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, and obesity. Internship The types of forensic assessment instruments covered include tests of malingering and deception, risk assessment tools and techniques, sex offender and psychopathy assessment, and personality assessment in the context of forensic evaluations. The cognate is designed to provide advanced study in an area of student interest and need. Our students have the opportunity to work and train with forensic psychologists throughout NYC in a variety of settings from the forensic evaluation settings to correctional institutions and psychiatric hospitals. The following four major areas of study are available: Child and Adolescent Forensic Neuropsychology Health Suggested Sequence of Study Independent Research. Associate Professor, Director of Training 113 West 60th Street Room 1008H 212-636-7299 Commission on Accreditation Contact Information Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation 750 First St., NE Washington, D.C. 20002-4242 Website: APA Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation Key men and women who contributed to the development of theories about and methods used to study personality, emotion, intelligence, cognition, and psychobiology are discussed within their historical, religious, cultural, and political contexts. Psychopharmacology I. A minimum of 6 credits of PSGE8999 must be completed as part of the degree. Forensic Assessment. Students are expected to use the computer to analyze behavioral science data in the course. Director of Clinical Training. This courses introduces several testing and measurement theories, including classical test theory, generalizability theory, and item response theory. Cognition and Affect Over the past several years, we have offered 100% financial aid to our incoming students, including 4 years of tuition remission and stipend for each academic year. (3 Credits). Doctoral Internship includes a minimum of 1,500 hours of supervised fieldwork (full time for one year or part time over two years); must meet CDSPP Internship Guidelines. To be taken only after completion of all other degree requirements. Fordham Ranked # 3 in Nationwide Listing of Best Doctoral Programs in The program is based on a "scholar-practitioner" training model, with a life-span development philosophy and offers courses and opportunities for supervised practice with deaf people, with . Courses in this group have the CPIE attribute. This seminar reviews the major principles, strategies, and methods of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). We will examine various models of vulnerability to depression, including psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal models. Fordham's doctoral program in psychometrics and quantitative psychology (PQP) offers the opportunity to acquire a variety of advanced and sophisticated measurement, evaluation, and statistical skills, preparing our graduates for careers in industry, research, or teaching. Externship (18 credits), Research Practicum (3 credits), Dissertation (6 credits), and an APA-accredited internship (2 credits) brings the total to the 89 credits required for graduation. These two prerequisites may be taken concurrently with program coursework. However, students interested in working with a particular faculty member are strongly encouraged to indicate this interest in their admission materials, as the vast majority of students enter the program with a clearly identified mentor. PSYC 7500. Students, working under the direct supervision of a Developmental faculty member, gain firsthand experience in design, implementation, and analysis of a research project pertaining to the development of infants, children, adolescents, mid-life, or older adults. The course will cover all major synthesis (meta-analysis) with special attention to the unique features of such analyses. (3 Credits). Research Practicum II. Applied Dev Psy Prac II. (3 Credits). A minimum of two consecutive semesters is required. This amount does not include university fees or additional costs, including books, travel, or student services. Complete M.A. It also covers the Bayesian applications of common statistical techniques in psychological and behavioral research, such as regression. PSYC 7990. Our faculty provides personalized guidance to help students select placements that are congruent with their overall career and training goals. (3 Credits). Celia Fisher and Andrew Rasmussen, Professional Organizations Clinical Psychology PhD - Teachers College, Columbia University Students apply for permanent matriculation once they complete 12 to 15 credits and PSGE7900 Proseminar in Psychological and Educational Services. You may also pursue a career in academia, focusing on research and teaching. PSYC 7030. Furthermore, our program emphasizes multicultural counseling competencies, professional ethics, and social justice advocacy. Fordham University - Overall Rankings - US News (3 Credits), PSYC 8221. Research Methods PSYC 6137. (3 Credits). This course provides a general overview of adaptive and multistage test (MST)'s important concepts. The two assessment courses each have an associated lab section in which students develop essential skills in the administration, scoring, interpretation and reporting of standard assessment instruments. This course provides a didactic and group supervision structure that addresses students developing the range of clinical skills that sequentially prepare them for an internship and, eventually, independent practice as a psychologist. If you are a coach or counselor working with athletes, a sports psychology masters program can help you learn the skills you need to motivate your athletes to perform even better than they already do. PhD Clinical Psychology | University at Albany The PhD Clinical Psychology program is oriented toward the scientist-practitioner and is fully accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). Dissertation Data Collection American Academy of Forensic Psychology Carly Ellman, Clinical Social Work/Therapist, Jenkintown, PA, 19046 (3 Credits). Applicants seeking admission to the Ph.D. program in school psychology must meet the general requirements for admission to graduate study in the Graduate School of Education and these program-specific admission criteria: Please note that as of May 2022, GRE scores are optional for our program. Current and former students may login to show their courses completed, where relevant, in the Bulletin. If you are looking for a program that is both nurturing and stimulating, you will find a home in Fordham's counseling psychology doctoral program.
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